These are the Google web fonts featured on the theme demo:
Roboto, Poppins, and Six Caps.
Here’s a partial list of the scripts and jQuery plugins integrated into Monobloc:
- jQuery — a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- Underscore.js — a JavaScript library that provides useful functional programming helpers.
- Backbone.js — gives structure to web applications by providing models, collections, and views.
- FlowType.JS — responsive typography at its finest.
- imagesLoaded — detects when images have been loaded.
- Isotope — magical layouts for our masonry grids.
- Flickity — touch, responsive, flickable carousels.
- FitVids.js — a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for fluid width video embeds.
- Spin.js — dynamically creates spinning activity indicators.
- PhotoSwipe — a responsive JavaScript image gallery.
- Velocity.js — the best of jQuery and CSS transitions combined.